Episode Shownotes

59. Guarding the Planet: Climate Change and National Security w/ Mike Smith

Our guest today is Mike Smith, the co-founder and CEO of Aclymate, a company that's spearheading efforts to help small to medium-sized businesses achieve carbon neutrality. Mike's journey is fascinating, from a career in the Navy to starting a company dedicated to sustainability. In this episode, we cover ground from his personal experiences to how reforestation and carbon markets fit into the battle against climate change, and even a troubling concept known as fatal heat.

The Urgency of Climate Change

When Mike’s team reached out to me about having him on the podcast, I realized that climate change was something I hadn't really touched on deeply before. Like many, I wasn't sure which angle to take or how it connected to the everyday person. Until forest fires, heat waves, and the term "fatal heat" start becoming commonplace, it can be hard to wrap our brains around the gravity of the situation.

Mike has an extensive background, having served in the Navy before moving into the entrepreneurial space specifically focused on climate. His perspective is rooted in his personal experiences, including a significant event from his childhood — the Loman Fire in 1989, which introduced him to climate change’s severe impacts early on.

From Navy Pilot to Climate Entrepreneur

Mike began by reflecting on his early experiences, starting with his upbringing in Idaho and his grandfather, a forester. Despite these idyllic early memories, the Loman Fire made a profound impact, as he witnessed a mushroom cloud — later explained as a Pyrocumulonimbus cloud caused by extreme heat events, dramatically altering weather patterns.

After graduating from the Naval Academy, Mike studied systems engineering and political science but always maintained a keen interest in environmental issues. This blend of environmental engineering and political science eventually paved the way for his career shift towards sustainability.

Serving as an F-18 pilot and performing air shows around the world was thrilling, but a visit back to the site of the Loman Fire — which had not regenerated even after 22 years — sparked a shift in his priorities. Determined to address climate change seriously, he left the Navy in 2014 and founded Renew West, focusing on reforestation and leveraging carbon markets for financing.

The Birth of Aclymate

Seeing the bigger picture, Mike wanted to help more businesses make impactful changes. This led to the creation of Aclymate. He explained the mission and vision behind Aclymate — to educate and empower humanity for the best climate future. The company provides tools for small to medium-sized businesses to measure, reduce, and offset their carbon footprints.

Understanding Carbon Markets and Offsets

Mike delved into the basics of carbon markets, explaining that companies either voluntarily or legally pay to clean up their pollution through carbon offsets. Reforestation is one of the most effective nature-based solutions for reducing atmospheric carbon.

He stressed the importance of a shared responsibility between businesses and individuals. For businesses, it’s crucial to measure their climate impact, find ways to reduce it, and offset the remaining emissions. Acclimate offers software that connects with accounting and utility systems to simplify this process.

Practical Steps for Individuals and Small Businesses

Mike Smith of Aclymate

Mike offered several practical steps individuals can take, including:

  • Eating less meat, even a simple "meatless Monday" can make a huge difference.

  • Avoiding food waste, as it contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Being mindful of where you bank, as banks like Chase often fund fossil fuel development.

On the corporate side, Mike encouraged employees to engage their employers in conversations about decarbonization and sustainability. Acclimate provides resources, including software, educational materials, and a marketplace for carbon offsets to support these efforts.

National Security and Climate Change

A significantportion of our discussion centered around how climate change poses a national security threat. Mike pointed out the transition from traditional state-versus-state conflicts to modern, complex threats like climate change. He argued that climate change is not just a threat multiplier but a fundamental threat that can destabilize nations through resource scarcity, mass migration, and extreme weather events.

The potential impacts on agriculture, national security, and economic stability can lead to far-reaching consequences, including geopolitical tensions and humanitarian crises.

Call to Action

Mike emphasized the importance of this decade in mitigating climate change. Governments and businesses must make significant strides to reduce emissions and transition towards a sustainable future. He called on small to medium-sized businesses to recognize their pivotal role and take actionable steps.

In wrapping up, he invited listeners to visit Aclymate’s website to take advantage of educational resources, tools for measuring carbon footprints, and practical steps for mitigation.

Final Thoughts

This conversation with Mike Smith was eye-opening. It highlighted not just the gravity of the climate crisis but also the immense potential for small businesses and individuals to make a difference. Whether it’s through better corporate practices, mindful consumption, or active participation in sustainability efforts, every action counts.

For more insights and resources, visit Aclymate’s website and start your journey towards sustainability today.

Mike is a self-described stubborn optimist and a former fighter pilot turned serial sustainability entrepreneur who built two award-winning companies in the climate space. Starting with RenewWest, the developer of the largest carbon reforestation project in U.S. history, he now serves as co-founder and CEO of Aclymate, an industry leader in helping small-to-medium sized businesses become carbon neutral through a climate management application and offset marketplace.


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